SFTP, abbreviated for “SSH File Transfer Protocol,” is a secure and encrypted file transfer protocol used for transferring files between computers. While utilized for file transfer and management, SFTP also ensures data security. This protocol operates over SSH (Secure Shell) and provides a secure communication environment by encrypting data. Through MIP’s SFTP feature, file reading operations can be performed using SFTP.
SFTP Sender
Authentication Method: Allows the selection of the authentication method to be used during the connection.
SFTP Credential: SFTP credentials refer to the authentication information used to perform file transfers using SFTP. The name of a previously defined credential is provided.
SFTP Host: SFTP host is the address of the computer or server to be used for file transfer via SFTP. An SFTP host represents an SFTP server. The SFTP host address is expressed as a URL or IP address. For example: SFTP URL: ftp://example.com, IP Address:
SFTP Port: When using SFTP, the standard port number commonly used is 22. Since SFTP operates over SSH, it uses the standard port number of SSH. However, depending on the configuration of a specific system or server, SFTP may use a different port number.
File Directory: This field specifies the directory or folder where the files to be read are located. It indicates the location of the file and defines the path within the file system.
File Name: This field is where the names of the files to be read are written. For example, searches and filters such as “mip.txt,” “mip.json,” or, for multiple file selections, “.txt,” “mip.” can be performed.
Subdirectory Select : If there is a subdirectory in the file to be read, the name of this subdirectory can be provided to process the files within it. This field is not mandatory to fill.
Processing Sequence: Determines the order in which the read files will be processed. The processing order can be established based on Modified Date or File Name, and it can be set in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order.
Processing Mode: Specifies what will happen after the files are read. There are three options:
Test: Indicates that the files are read for testing purposes, and no further action is taken after reading.
Delete: Enables the deletion of files once the reading and subsequent processing are complete.
Archive: Facilitates moving and archiving files to the address entered in the “Archive Directory” after reading. Files are not deleted; their locations are simply changed.
Advanced – Skip Empty File: This variable determines whether empty files will be read during the file reading process. If the option is selected, empty files are skipped without being read. If not selected, all files at the specified address and with the specified names are read and processed.
Advanced – Duplicate Check : This variable determines whether the same file can be read more than once during the file reading process. If the option is selected, the same file will not be read again. If not selected, the same file can be read and processed multiple times.
Advanced – Max File Size : This variable allows checking the sizes of files during the file reading process. If a file is smaller than the value entered in KB, the reading process occurs. If it is larger, the file is skipped and not processed.
Advanced – Additional Parameters: This variable allows the addition of a parameter other than the specified filters and parameters.
Scheduler – Cron: This variable allows determining the working interval and frequency of the defined File (Sender) service in Cron format. Cron is used to schedule tasks to run at specific intervals or on specific dates and times.
SFTP Receiver
Service Description: Through MIP’s SFTP receiver feature, file writing and transmission operations can be performed using SFTP.
Authentication Method: Allows the selection of the authentication method to be used during the connection.
SFTP Credential: SFTP credentials refer to the authentication information used to perform file transfers using SFTP. The name of a previously defined credential is provided.
SFTP Host: SFTP host is the address of the computer or server to be used for file transfer via SFTP. An SFTP host represents an SFTP server. The SFTP host address is expressed as a URL or IP address. For example: SFTP URL: ftp://example.com, IP Address:
SFTP Port: When using SFTP, the standard port number commonly used is 22. Since SFTP operates over SSH, it uses the standard port number of SSH. However, depending on the configuration of a specific system or server, SFTP may use a different port number.
File Path: This field specifies the directory or folder where the created file will be located. It indicates the location of the file and defines the path within the file system.
File Name: This field is where the desired file name to be created is written.
Add Timestamp: This variable appends a Timestamp to the file name when writing the file. For example, it saves a file named “mipFile” as “mipFile_20231129134819022”.
Add Message ID: This variable appends a MessageID variable to the file name when writing the file. For example, it saves a file named “mipFile” as “mipFile_’specifiedMessageId’.”
File Encoding: “File encoding” specifies how characters and text data in a text file are represented in a computer-understandable format.
Temp Enable: It first defines the file to be written in a different location, and after the definition and file writing process is completed, it moves the file to its original location. This process prevents the file from being read by another service before the writing process is completed.
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