SAP RFC Connector Service Description

SAP RFC (Remote Function Call) is an important protocol used to enable remote communication between modules and systems within the SAP system. The ability to establish a connection with SAP RFC enhances your capability to optimize corporate processes and streamline data flow. This feature enables you to effectively utilize resources within your SAP system.

SAP RFC Receiver

  • RFC Destination: Enter the RFC Destination Name, which is the desired and previously defined (Creating SAP RFC Destination) destination to be used.

Creating SAP RFC Destination

  • Service Description: To connect to the SAP system and perform RFC operations, it is necessary to define an RFC Destination. An RFC Destination can be defined through the Operations – RFC Destinations – Create section. To use a standard SAP RFC connection, the following information must be filled in:
  • Name: This field defines the name that will be used when calling the RFC Destination’s service.
  • Application Server: The Application Server represents the server where the SAP system is running. It includes information about the server hosting SAP applications. This information is necessary to specify the target server with which communication will be established when setting up an RFC connection. Typically, an IP address or a hostname is used when filling in this field. This information is used to connect the SAP client to a specific SAP application server.
  • Example:
  • Application Server: or
  • Client: When defining an SAP RFC Destination, the Client field specifies the client to which the communicating client or connection belongs. Each SAP client has a different client number, representing a specific business or department. Usually, a numerical value is entered in this field, representing the relevant client number in the SAP system.
  • System Number: The System Number or System ID variable used when defining SAP RFC Destination indicates a specific system number of the SAP system to which the connection will be established. Each SAP system has a system number that specifies the application server on which the SAP system is running. This number is used to identify the SAP system and reach the correct target system when establishing an RFC connection.
  • User: Specifies the username for the SAP system to which the connection will be established.
  • Password: Specifies the password for the specified username, providing authorization for the connection.
  • Language: Specifies the short code for the language to be used in communication with the SAP system. This allows receiving error messages in the language provided by the SAP system. Example: “EN” (English), “DE” (German), “FR” (French)
  • Peak Limit: Specifies the highest number of transactions that can be performed concurrently through the RFC connection. This controls how many transactions can be executed simultaneously.
  • Pool Capacity: Specifies the maximum number of connections that can be present simultaneously in the RFC connection pool. Connection pools are shared and reusable connections managed by a specific application or process.
  • SAP Router: Includes a SAP Router address used to route the RFC connection and reach the SAP system. The SAP Router is a routing service that ensures secure communication between two SAP systems. Filling in this field is optional.

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