Rest connector enables the opening of a REST API via MIP. REST API is an API (Application Programming Interface) based on the REST architecture, which stands for Representational State Transfer. APIs are used for data exchange and functionality between different applications and platforms, especially in web-based systems. REST API provides access to resources between clients and servers using the HTTP protocol, following specific standards and principles.
REST Sender
Address: The REST service address includes the basic URL structure of a web service and endpoints representing specific resources or services. This address specifies the functions, resources, and accessible points provided by the service.
Method: In REST services, “method” is also referred to as HTTP method or HTTP verb. The HTTP method specifies the purpose of a request and defines the operation to be performed on a specific resource. RESTful services perform various operations on resources using HTTP methods:
GET: Used for reading a resource. It is used to retrieve data from the server without modifying resources.
POST: Used to create a new resource. Typically used for resource creation.
PUT: Used to update a resource. Often used to update the entire resource.
PATCH: Used to update specific fields of a resource. It updates only specific fields, not the entire resource.
DELETE: Used to delete a resource.
Keep Headers: The “Keep Headers” option specifies whether headers received in the response of an HTTP request will be retained. This option is often used to preserve or discard header information between the HTTP request and response.
Synchronous Endpoint: Synchronous Endpoint is typically preferred for situations that require a quick response. When this option is used, a request sent by a client is processed immediately, and a response is expected to be received. This implies that operations are carried out instantly. Contrarily, if this feature is not selected, this Endpoint is named Asynchronous Endpoint, and in its usage, the client sends a request, but the response is not received immediately. The request is processed in the background by the server, and after some time, a response is communicated to the client. In this case, the client does not have to wait for the process and can proceed with other tasks.
REST Receiver
HTTP Address: The HTTP address includes the basic URL structure of a web service and endpoints representing specific resources or services. This address specifies the functions, resources, and accessible points provided by the service.
Method: In HTTP requests, “method” is also referred to as an HTTP method or HTTP verb. The HTTP method specifies the purpose of a request and defines the operation to be performed on a specific resource. HTTP services perform various operations on resources using HTTP methods:
GET: Used for reading a resource. It is used to retrieve data from the server without modifying resources.
POST: Used to create a new resource. Typically used for resource creation.
PUT: Used to update a resource. Often used to update the entire resource.
PATCH: Used to update specific fields of a resource. It updates only specific fields, not the entire resource.
DELETE: Used to delete a resource.
HTTP Timeout: Indicates a time limit applied when an HTTP request does not receive a response within a specified period. The timeout duration is determined by the requesting party and is typically expressed in seconds.
Authorization Type: A type of header used to determine whether the requesting user is authorized. This header may include username and password, an API key, or other authentication information to authenticate the identity of the requesting party to the server.
Authentication Resource Name: This variable represents pre-recorded username and password information used in services. Each Authentication Resource Name contains authentication information for a user or application.
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