By determining the operating frequency with the cron expression, Rest Polling allows a REST request to be sent to the entered address with the specified method.
REST Polling Sender
Polling Addresses: A REST service address contains the basic URL structure of a web service and the endpoints that represent specific resources or services. This address indicates the functions, resources and accessible points offered by the service.
Polling Method: In REST services, the “method” is also called an HTTP method or an HTTP verb. The HTTP method specifies the purpose of a request and defines the action to be performed on a particular resource. RESTful services perform various operations on resources using HTTP methods.
GET: Used to read a resource. It is used to retrieve data from the server, but does not modify the resources.
POST: Used to create a new resource. It is not idempotent, which means some requests cannot be repeated.
PUT: Used to update a resource. It is idempotent, which means most requests can be repeated.
PATCH: Used to update specific fields of a resource. It updates only certain fields, not the entire resource.
DELETE: Used to delete a resource.
Authorization Type: It is a header type used to determine whether the user making the request is authorized or not. This header may contain a username and password, an API key, or other authentication information to verify to the server the identity of the party making the request.
Authentication Resource Name: This variable represents pre-registered username and password information for use in services. Each Authentication Resource Name contains authentication information for a user or application.
Scheduler – REST Polling: This variable allows determining the working interval and frequency of the defined REST Polling service in Cron expression. Cron expression is used to schedule tasks to run at specific intervals or on specific dates and times.
Headers – Add Header: Allows adding Headers in addition to the REST service, in line with the needs of the service to be requested.
Headers – Name: Determines the name of the Header added to the service.
Headers – Type: Determines the type of Header added to the service.
Headers – Value: Determines the value of the Header added to the service.
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