Google Cloud Pub/Sub is a messaging service provided by Google Cloud Platform. It enables asynchronous messaging between applications and systems. Pub/Sub follows a publisher-subscriber model where publishers send messages to specific topics, and subscribers receive those messages from the topics they’re interested in.
Google Pub/Sub Sender
Project ID: The Project ID refers to the identifier associated with a specific Google Cloud Platform project within which the Pub/Sub service is used.
Destination Name: For the consumer this will be the subscription name. For a subscription, the destination name would be the unique identifier for that subscription associated with a specific topic within a project.
Google Pubsub Credential: Google Pubsub credentials refer to the authentication information used to perform data transfers using Google Pubsub Service. The name of a previously defined credential is provided.
Maximum Messages Per Poll: The max number of messages to receive from the server in a single API call.
Concurrent Consumers: The number of parallel streams consuming from the subscription.
Ack Mode: Ack Mode refers to the acknowledgment mode used by subscriber clients to confirm the successful processing of received messages. AUTO = exchange gets ack’ed/nack’ed on completion. NONE = downstream process has to ack/nack explicitly. Enum values: AUTO, NONE
Google Pub/Sub Receiver
Project ID: The Project ID refers to the identifier associated with a specific Google Cloud Platform project within which the Pub/Sub service is used.
Destination Name: For the producer this will be the topic name. For a topic, the destination name refers to the unique identifier for that topic within a Google Cloud project.
Google Pubsub Credential: Google Pubsub credentials refer to the authentication information used to perform data transfers using Google Pubsub Service. The name of a previously defined credential is provided.
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